L-SHAPED 2-Legs UP STANDING DESK - Oak_Black (E1L-01B)
可以獨立調整桌子的兩條腿,從而可以更加靈活地定位和高度調節。 這意味著用戶可以將桌子調整為站立或坐著的首選高度,以確保始終舒適而符合人體工學的工作空間。
對於需要長時間工作的人來說,L型站立電動升降桌是一個流行的選擇,因為他們可以在整天站立和坐著之間交替。 這可以幫助減少長時間坐姿的負面影響,並提高整體健康和生產力。
帶拼接板的大型 L 形工作台採用環保材料製成,可為您正在進行的項目和辦公用品提供充足的空間。
雙摩打升降機構提供更平穩的高度調節,範圍從 27.9 英寸到 47.2 英寸,並且在升降辦公桌時非常安靜(低於 50 分貝)。
工業級鋼架和堅固的桌面相結合,可支持高達 220磅的最大承重能力,因此它可以輕鬆處理您理想的工作設置。
An L-shaped 2-legs up standing desk is a type of standing desk that is designed in an L-shape and has two legs that can be adjusted in height. This type of standing desk provides a larger work surface area and is ideal for people who need a lot of space for their work or who need to use multiple monitors or devices simultaneously.
The two legs of the desk can be adjusted independently, allowing for greater flexibility in positioning and height adjustment. This means that users can adjust the desk to their preferred height for standing or sitting, ensuring a comfortable and ergonomic workspace at all times.
L-shaped 2-legs up standing desks are a popular option for those who need to work for extended periods, as they offer the ability to alternate between standing and sitting throughout the day. This can help to reduce the negative effects of prolonged sitting and improve overall health and productivity.
Reversible Panel
Dual Motor Lifting System
Durable and Stable Construction
Anti-Collision Safety Feature