Jupiter Mk-2 Gaming Chair (Leather/Red) / Zenox Jupiter Mk-2 遊戲椅(皮革/紅色)
電競椅是近年來受到廣泛追捧的辦公椅款式之一,因其專為電競愛好者而設計,提供了很多特殊功能與舒適性,例如高度可調整的靠背、腰托和腳墊等,以確保長時間的坐姿舒適。HOMEMADE MALL 引進了ZENOX品牌的木星 Mk-2系列電競椅,這些電競椅採用人體工學設計,提供了多種舒適性功能,同時具有時尚的外觀和豐富的配色選擇,不僅在電競界,也在辦公室和家庭中都非常受歡迎。如果您想體驗高品質的電競椅,木星 Mk-2系列電競椅是一個非常不錯的選擇。
Equipped with the highest end TUV certified Class 4 Hydraulic Gas Lift , the Jupiter Mk-2 allows a smooth and noiseless height adjustment.
配備最高端 TUV 認證 4級液壓氣桿 , 木星Mk-2 系列電競椅提供順暢靜音的升降感受。

Lay down flat completely with Jupiter Mk-2's Full Height Recline & Lock-able Backrest that can recline up to 130° and lock at different angles.
木星 MK-2木星電競椅能夠向後平躺,椅背最多可傾斜 130度,並可以使用鎖定功能將椅背於不同角度鎖定。

Lean back and sway with Jupiter Mk-2's built-in Tilt Mechanism, the backrest is synchronized regardless of its angle.
木星Mk-2 系列電競椅內置後仰功能,座椅可以在後仰功能下能無級别向前或後傾斜。

Depending on your weight and preference, adjust the tilt resistance via the Tilt Tension Knob on the mechanism to find the most comfortable configuration.
根據你的體重和偏好,可扭動座椅下方 旋轉輪調整後仰阻力,從而尋找到最舒適的位置。

All New Pillow Upgrade
Our Jupiter Mk-2 comes with a complimentaryt set of Magnetic Headrest & Lumbar Support Pillows that can quicksnap onto the chair with great ease of readjustments.
Differing from conventional pillows made of molded foam material, these High-Density Memory Foam Pillows is soft to the touch and moulds to your unique shape while providing excellent support to your back and neck.
The headrest pillow has an extra Cooling-Gel Layer that cools you down when heat naturally builds up in longer gaming sessions.
Zenox木星 Mk-2 電競椅配有可調節磁力頭枕及腰枕,為腰椎及頸部提供適當支撐。枕頭内置磁石,可輕易貼附上椅背,隨時調整高度
Keeping You Cool
The headrest pillow has an extra Cooling-Gel Layer that cools you down when heat naturally builds up in longer gaming sessions.
Premium Leatherwork
The Jupiter Mk-2's upholstery of Synthetic Leather (PU) provides a scratch, water, and odor resistant surface for the chair with minimal maintaince required. The seat has an added feature of Perforated Leather Seatbase for extra ventilation.
木星 Mk-2使用人造皮革(PU) 表面堅韌,觸感柔軟,防刮防水防異味,是一個保持乾爽便能輕易保養的選擇。 特有的穿孔皮革座椅提供了額外的透氣度。
Extra Spacious
The Jupiter Mk-2 is built around an Reinforced XL Chair Chasis that is larger in size than regular gaming chairs, combined with its Wider Seat Base, it accomodate users of average and above-average heights and sizes.
Supported with the Premium Knee Tilt Mechanism, Jupiter Mk-2 Series remain flexible despite its size.
木星 Mk-2特點在於使用特大強化框架,這比一般電競椅體積更大更寬配合上寬身座椅設計,適合中型及較高大用家。
底部用上了升級托盤,令木星 Mk-2雖然外形較大但亦能靈活傾斜椅背及後仰搖擺
Fit For All Desks
Adjust your 4D Adjustable PU Padded Armrests' to find your optimal configuration. Align it with your desk's height when in use; lower it to slide your chair under the desk to save up space. The extra forward and backward adjustability allows you to rest your elbow at your preferred distance.
The Magnetised Cover opens up options for user to swap their armrest covers into other materials and colors of their choosing.
兩邊的4D PU軟墊扶手 能夠調整高度配個你的桌子高度和在再非使用時降低收到桌下節省空間,這升級扶手更可以前後調校,配合你的手肘擺放位置
Personalise Your Armrest
The Magnetised Cover opens up options for user to swap their armrest covers into other materials and colors of their choosing.
Effortless Assembly
The addition of a Guiding Rail with Magnetised Side-cover on the side of the backrest makes the chair assembly process even easier than before.
新增安裝路軌 和磁性側蓋令座椅安裝比以前更爲簡單
Premium Hardware
The Reinforced Alloy Wheel Base features a corrosion and rust resistant gloss finish, the alloy-based material gives superior stability and durability that the Jupiter Mk-2 Series requires, it is also overall easier to clean and maintain,the wheel base is paired with a set of PU Dual-Wheel Casters that is suitable to traverse on both hard and soft surfaces.
為符合木星 Mk-2所需的承重度,選擇使用了强化合金腳架並用了防鏽塗層令清潔更爲方便,配合雙輪椅轆適合於任何硬度地面行走