【SwitchBot Mini Hub智能小管家】
✅Support Google assistant, Alexa, IFTTT Siri, 可連接語音控制

- 觀塘門市自取(觀塘鴻圖道57號南洋廣場17樓1707室): 免費
- 順豐到付: 費用自付
* 所有產品尺寸均為近似值,可能大約相差1mm至3mm。
* 如有任何爭議,HOME MADE MALL 保留最終決定權
* Actual product colors may vary slightly due to printed/web color. Color accuracy varies depending on monitor calibration; real samples are available in our showroom.
* 如有任何爭議,HOME MADE MALL 保留最終決定權
* Actual product colors may vary slightly due to printed/web color. Color accuracy varies depending on monitor calibration; real samples are available in our showroom.
* All the dimensions approximation, please allow 1mm to 3mm difference.
* HOME MADE MALL reserves the right to correct errors and misprints and to change product specifications.